This is passive/piezo buzzer with easy to mount jumper housing. It is found in old computer motherboard, connected to speaker pins. Those beep sound produced when your computer is booting up, is from this buzzer :)
Check out how can you use it with Arduino, by Maker Tutor:
What's in the box?
Check out how can you use it with Arduino, by Maker Tutor:
So you can also use it with Arduino, Raspberry Pi or micro:bit
- This is a piezo buzzer or passive buzzer.
- It requires pulses with certain frequency to produce tones.
- Come with easy to use jumper housing
- Operating voltage: 5V DC
- Found normally on computer motherboard, act as speaker to produce audio feedback of computer status/problem.
What's in the box?
1 x Buzzer (passive) with jumper housing